Saturday, May 2, 2015


Hello, Today I want to share about the importance of the marriage in our society and the dangerous  divorce.

I think people have been listening much about it, of course that marriage was the most important event on the life of one person. It was more in the past than today, because every day seems more normally listened the easiest decision of broke this institution. Are you listened it?

 So here my comments:

I have read a lot about divorce this week, I thought that knew the impact over the children. But now I know that is a terrible situation that they can´t ever fix. I think that parents are thinking about themselves more that the children, so they believe that divorce is a really good choice. The consequences are a lot and bad feelings for the family whom looked for a solution. I can see the pain over children in a life fighting to look normal to others. And of course asking themselves why they live it. I love the words that invite to the people to forgive and forget to the partner to give going. Our Savior teach us to look forward and promise us a unit family. So we need to try every day with our challenges. The most important thing for the children are their parents. The safety in home is the gift that preserve the family for generations. All parents feel the responsibility to maintain to their children in a safe way. I would prefer that marriage in troubles search for many options before divorce.
The most important institution in the world is the family because is the base of a health society. I would like to teach others to have effort for pray every day in home for be a good member of their family.
The scriptures teach us to join us to other person in order to get our own family for the eternity. I believe that it is a treasure for whom is older and think  did it.
The family that prays together, stays together. This is a phrase that our authorities said us and I remember all days
If someone are thinking in divorce I would like to say: Think it two times. Nothing is perfect in this life, So.tolerate the imperfections of others, it makes us better in the sight of God. Be patient, love your fellow as yourself. Think about what you can become progressing together. All they can achieve a beautiful family. A close family requires humility, love, courtesy and patience.

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